1ª hora:
i.panda bear . bros (person pitch, 2007)
ii.chemical brothers . swoon (further, 2010)
iii.emeralds . goes by (does it look like I'm here?, 2010)
iv.toro y moi . causers of this (causers of this, 2010)
v.memory tapes . bicycle (seek magic, 2009)
vi.hot chip . boys from school (coming on strong, 2004)
vii.onra . don't stop (long distance, 2010)

HÁ DISCOS DEBAIXO DA CAMA - the flaming lips - the soft bulletin (1999)
i.race for the prize
ii.the spark that bled
iii.waitin' for superman

2ª hora:
i.tame impala . it's not meant to be (innerspeaker, 2010)
ii.mates of state . think long (bring it back, 2006)
iii.wools . run as a white horse (go home now?, 2010)
iv.beach house . gila (devotion, 2008)
v.air . biological (talkie walkie, 2004)
vi.jp simões . 1970 (retrato) (1970, 2007)
vii.lykke li . my (youth novels, 2008)
viii.wild beasts . hooting and howling (two dancers, 2009)
ix.maps and atlases . daily news (you and me and the mountain ep, 2009)

DISCO DE CABEÇEIRA - flying lotus - cosmogramma (2010)
i.mmmhmmm (feat. thundercat)
ii.do the astral plane
iii.dance of the pseudo nymph