Fiquei sem voz!!

Beck - Cellphone's Dead
Radiohead - Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Sigur Rós - Glósoli
God Is An astronaut - Ascend To Oblivion
Explosions In The Sky - Day Six
Patrick Watson - Down At The Beach

Há discos debaixo da cama - Belle and Sebastian - Tigermilk
- The State I Am In
- Electronic Renaissaice
- We Rule The School

Eddie Vedder - No Ceiling
Nick Drake - Place To Be
The Legendary Tigermam - Life Ain't Enought For You (feat. Asia Argento)
Mew - Introducing Palace Players
Peter Bjorn and John - Paris 2004

Disco de cabeceira - Lindstrom and Christabelle - Real Life Is No Cool
- Keep It Up
- Lovesick

The Knife - Forest Families
Joanna Newsom - 81
Joy Division - Atmosphere
The Cure - A Forest
Blonde Redhead - 23
TV On The Radio - Hours

E um obrigado à Diana pela ajuda na parte final, quando a voz decidiu abandonar-me.